
Power5.4 MWe

Further extension of CHP plant incuding GuD process.

A Kawasaki Gas Turbine Generator Set was installed to improve and to inrease the self-generated elctricity production under utilization of the existing Heat Recovery Boiler. The new Gas Turbine Generator Set GPB60D was handed over to the customer and started its operation.
The installed Gas Turbine is designed as dual fuel DLE. Main fuel is natural gas, but Diesel (HEL) can be used as backup fuel in case gas supply is interrupted.

Mainly, the exhaust gas is guided through an oil fired boiler, and is used to produce overheated high pressure steam. The produced steam is used as usual to run a steam turbine and for heating supply devices.
This GuD-Plant is providing heat and electricity all year long. The steam production uses a variable supplementary firing to fulfill the demand at any time if necessary.

The electricity production is beyond own requirements. This electricity feeds an own virtual grid cycle, and is promoted as CHP electricity.